Reclaim Your Focus
The Manifesto 🌗 21 January 2025
Everything is a product of its time. James Bond is a perfect example. Over the decades, he’s had to evolve, adjusting to reflect current values and sensibilities. And when those changes are thoughtful, when they make the character more inclusive, more relevant, more human, that’s a win. They allow more people to connect with the work and see themselves in it. But not every change comes from a good place.
Take Barbara Broccoli’s recent comments about why there’s no new Bond film in development. Amazon owns MGM now, and MGM owns the franchise. She doesn’t want an algorithm dictating what direction an iconic character like Bond should take. And she’s right. That’s the bad kind of change, the one driven by a formulaic attempt to optimize “engagement” or churn out something “marketable.” It strips the soul from the work, reducing it to data points and focus groups.
I’ve talked before about the pivots I’ve had to make in my work. Some of them weren’t my choice. Outside forces, whether it was a certain company screwing with a certain open game license, governments rewriting laws, or even my own health, forced my hand. Those kinds of changes are unavoidable, and you deal with them as best you can. But when you’re constantly reacting to what’s beyond your control, it’s exhausting.
This time, though, I’m making changes on my own terms. These are 100% my decision, and honestly, it feels good. Reclaiming even a small bubble of comfort in my work is exactly what I need right now. I think a lot of us do. There’s something reassuring about creating a space that reflects the kind of vibe we need, a place that feels right, even when everything outside it feels wrong.
Not long ago, I talked about why I leaned so heavily into the occult line. Sure, the content is cool and incredibly versatile, it works for fantasy, horror, mystery, you name it. But let’s be real: part of the appeal is how much it annoys a certain demographic. Watching those folks lose their minds over something as innocuous as a pentagram is deeply satisfying. I never claimed to be above petty joys, and I’m not about to start now.
Lately, I’ve been doubling down on fantasy academia, dark academia, and cozy fantasy for similar reasons. Academia, with its focus on books and learning, has a special way of irritating the same crowd. Something about promoting knowledge and curiosity seems to spoil their day, and frankly, I’m fine with that. If my work ruins even a fraction of their mood, it feels like justice.
But it’s not just about trolling the people who deserve it. It’s about creating something that feels like an antidote to the world as it is. Cozy fantasy, for example, has been a huge focus for me because it just feels... nice. It’s the opposite of doomscrolling and violent rhetoric, happy thoughts, forests, tea, fuzzy animals, and friendships that matter. It’s warm and soft and comforting. It’s the kind of vibe that makes you feel like everything might not be on fire after all.
This work, whether it’s occult magic, academia, or cozy fantasy, is about something bigger. It’s about kindness, creativity, and education. It’s about promoting ideas that challenge the status quo, push back against violent nonsense, and make space for people to learn and grow. Honestly, it’s hilarious that ideas like “be kind” and “learn something” are radical enough to offend some people. But they are.
Which brings me back to Bond. Right now, I can’t mentally bring myself to work on anything in the espionage genre. Spy stories are inevitably politics-adjacent, and while I have plenty to say, plenty that will undoubtedly get me in trouble with someone, I just don’t want to think about politics right now. I don’t want to grapple with the moral ambiguity of systems or deal with stakes involving mass casualties or ideological warfare. I need clear-cut good guys and bad guys. And if there’s ambiguity, I want it to be personal, something intimate, with ripples that touch individuals, not entire nations.
That’s why this shift feels so right. It’s not just about stepping back from noise or stress. It’s about creating a space where the stories I tell feel like they matter in a way I can handle. Kindness, creativity, education, these are the stakes I care about right now. And they’re radical enough for me.
I hope you’re doing well today.
Social media and I are officially done. Instagram was the last one I was hanging onto, and I finally deleted it. Scrolling endlessly, hoping for something good, wasn’t worth the frustration anymore. Now, I’ve got more books on my phone instead. At least they don’t make me want to scream.
Let’s talk about hopescrolling for a second. You know what I mean, that endless swipe through your feed, looking for something that feels hopeful or meaningful. But instead, it’s ads, garbage takes, and that vague sense of dread that hangs around even after you’ve closed the app. It’s like willingly walking into a trap over and over. I’m done.
And while I’m at it, let me say this about the broader roleplaying community. There are amazing people in it, I know that. But finding them is exhausting. It’s been over a decade of wading through nonsense, and I’ve had enough. Every time I think about engaging with the larger scene, it feels like crawling through broken glass to find good people. No thanks.
So, here’s what I’m doing instead: focusing on real life. My friends, my family, my home group. And this newsletter. This space is where the good stuff happens, and it’s worth sticking with. If you’re reading this, thank you for being part of it.
If you’re tired of the same old noise, I recommend stepping back too. Look around you. Focus on your neighborhood, your people, the ones who make your life better. You’d be surprised how much calmer things feel when you put energy into what’s real.
And here? We’ll keep building something that matters. If you’ve made changes like this, leave a comment on the site at the bottom of this newsletter’s page. Let other people see it, not just me.
This is the way forward. It’s quieter. It’s calmer. And it feels so much better.
Blog Posts? In This Economy?
Yes, I’ve been running my mouth again outside of the newsletter. One was timely, about the death of David Lynch. The other two were in regards to the re-release of a couple of titles and the afterwords I added to them. In case you missed these posts, they’re linked below. Let me know in the comments of these posts, or this newsletter, if I should do more occasional blog posts, keep it in the newsletter and the books, or just shut the hell up entirely.
Also, blog is now called The Addendum, and the site got a minor glow-up. Fonts and colors now match the trade dress of the books exactly. Slowly but surely, I’m getting around to all of the time details that easily get put off for larger, seemingly more important things, but add up and make a difference in the long run.
What We Lose When We Lose Legends
“You may say that people look for meaning in everything, but they don’t. They’ve got life going on around them, but they don’t look for meaning there. They look for meaning when they go to a movie. I don’t know why people expect art to make sense when they accept the fact that life doesn’t make sense.” Read More
Biological Determinism Is Trash, and So Is the Alignment System It Poisoned
I just did a small update to Aristotle’s Alignment, and added the following afterword: Read More
Let’s Get This Out of the Way
I firmly believe that trans rights are human rights, and fundamental human rights are neither political nor a matter of opinion. Read More
Did You Know?
You can leave comments on this newsletter. It’s true! If you’re reading this in email, there’s a link at the bottom to view this newsletter on the Lightspress website. If you’re already reading this on the website, scroll to the bottom and let us know you’re here!
Latest Releases
Here’s what’s new in the Lightspress shop this week!
Domnio Fantasy Roleplaying
Domnio is a quick-and-dirty fantasy roleplaying game. It’s a lot like that big brand-name game with the dragons and the dungeons but more freewheeling and free-form. The assumption is that you already understand the basics, and are just looking for a rough-and-tumble “lite” game that suits your needs, whatever they may be. Read More
Fantasy Academia Athame Manual
If you're looking to bring depth, danger, and a dash of mystique to your magical dark academia setting, the Fantasy Academia Athame Manual is the book you didn’t know you needed. Whether you're designing a new ritual, equipping a character, or figuring out how to handle an unexpected demon summoning, this manual’s got you covered. Read More
Thank You
Thank you for helping us refine and reflect on our work. Your support lets us consider, adjust, and improve, allowing our projects to mature gracefully. We’re grateful for your presence as we close one chapter and prepare for the next. Thank you for your commitment and trust.
This week’s discount code is UPDATE2025. Use it to enjoy 20% off your orders at the Lightspress shop until the next issue of the newsletter come out.
Our next issue will be released on the day of the next new moon. See you then, and as always, I hope you’re doing well today and every day.
The Manifesto is the official source for news on upcoming releases, articles and opinions, and assorted ramblings on our games and our philosophy of roleplaying. New issues are released four times a month, on the new moon, first quarter moon, full moon, and last quarter moon, with special quarterly issues for each equinox and solstice. Stay connected and subscribe to The Manifesto now!
Lightspress promotes a simple approach to roleplaying, focusing on the utility and value of the content rather than flashy production. We strategically employ visual elements to amplify the message conveyed by the text, allowing us to create powerful and affordable toolkits. Remember, the true essence of the roleplaying experience lies not within the pages of a book, but in the creativity and collaboration fostered around your tabletop.