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The Odyssey: Some Background

First, a reminder that Ghostlight was announced with an expected release date some time this autumn. Even though I’ve been blogging about it to build up some anticipation, something I’m trying to get better at, the release of other things ahead of it doesn’t mean it’s delayed or that there are any substantial difficulties.

I already explained in the newsletter why I released The Odyssey: A Raven & River Journaling Game last week, seemingly out of the blue with no build up, after spending weeks hyping Ghostlight. To recap briefly, I needed to make sure the journaling game rules were going to sync up with the roleplaying game rules, and the only way to do that was to finish a journaling game.

The Odyssey was also an experiment on doing print through Amazon. My goal is to have all larger books be available in both digital and print books available at the same time. To plan for that, I needed to see how long it would take, both to get the files prepared on my end and for Amazon to make the listing live on their end. The process turned out to be shockingly smooth and painless.

Since the game was done at that point, I released it two weeks ahead of schedule. There will be blog posts and supporting Lux Adversaria essays around The Odyssey starting today.