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The Journey to Simple

Getting here was a journey in every sense of the word. It wasn’t a straight path, and it certainly wasn’t quick. We spent years refining our approach, figuring out exactly what we wanted to say and, more importantly, how we needed to say it. We tested ideas, threw concepts at the wall to see what stuck, and learned a lot about what works—and what really doesn’t. There were false starts, dead ends, and moments where we had to step back and rethink everything. But each twist and turn in the process brought us closer to a system that genuinely serves the needs of today’s roleplayers.

What we discovered along the way is that simplicity doesn’t mean lacking depth. In fact, the simpler our approach became, the more we found it allowed for complex storytelling. The Simple Approach is a reflection of everything we’ve learned, all the insights we’ve gained through years of iteration, and a commitment to making roleplaying more accessible, more engaging, and more fun.

Rejecting Wargaming Roots

One of the key decisions we made early on was to reject the wargaming roots that have long influenced roleplaying. Let’s be honest—those roots are tangled up with some problematic elements like violence, colonialism, and bigotry. We knew we wanted to move away from that. Instead of focusing on combat and conquest, we shifted our emphasis to storytelling, collaboration, and creativity. We’re building something better, something that resonates with today’s players who value inclusivity and want their games to reflect modern, progressive values.

Our approach challenges the traditional mindset that roleplaying games need to be about winning battles or accumulating power. Instead, we’re more interested in the stories that emerge from characters’ interactions, their personal growth, and the shared experiences of the group. In stepping away from the wargaming roots, we’ve opened up space for more diverse narratives and more meaningful connections between players.

Home Groups First

At the heart of roleplaying is your home group. Not some distant online forum, not a social media group with strangers, but the friends you gather around your table. We believe that the most meaningful experiences in roleplaying happen in these intimate settings where you’re sharing a story that you’ve built together. This is where the magic happens, where memories are made, and where the bonds between players are strengthened.

Our games are designed with this in mind. We’re not just creating content for the masses; we’re crafting experiences that enhance the connection between you and your friends. Every session should feel special, not just because of the story you’re telling but because of the people you’re telling it with. We believe in the power of shared stories to bring people closer together, and our goal is to make every moment around the table one to remember.

A Focus on Journaling

Journaling is a cornerstone of our approach. It’s not just a creative tool—it’s a way to document your character’s journey in a way that’s personal and meaningful. We’re not fans of the traditional, one-size-fits-none character sheets that box you into a rigid framework. Instead, we encourage journaling as a way to capture the full depth and nuance of your character’s development. This includes their thoughts, motivations, fears, and dreams, as well as the details of their adventures and the relationships they build along the way.

For gamemasters, journaling is an indispensable tool. It’s where you track everything from plot hooks to worldbuilding ideas, design intricate adventures, and fine-tune the setting to make it feel alive. Journaling allows you to create a living document that evolves as your campaign progresses, giving you a resource to draw from as you guide the story forward. In short, journaling isn’t just about keeping notes—it’s about creating a personal, evolving record of the game that both players and gamemasters can treasure.

Affordability Matters

Let’s face it: roleplaying can be an expensive hobby. With the endless stream of rulebooks, supplements, and accessories, it’s easy to feel like you need a small fortune just to keep up. But that’s not what roleplaying should be about. We believe that everyone should have access to quality content without having to worry about the price tag. That’s why we’re committed to keeping our materials affordable, ensuring that cost isn’t a barrier to creativity and fun.

Whether you’re a player, a gamemaster, or a creator, you shouldn’t have to break the bank to enjoy this hobby. We’ve priced our products with this in mind, making sure they’re accessible to as many people as possible. Because at the end of the day, roleplaying should be about the stories you tell and the experiences you share—not about who can afford the most books. We want to democratize roleplaying, making it something that everyone can enjoy, regardless of their budget.

Play the Game, Don’t Just Collect It

There’s a certain allure to collecting beautiful books, and we get that. But we’re more interested in creating materials that you’ll actually use. It’s easy to get caught up in the habit of collecting, where books sit pristine on a shelf, admired but never opened. We want our books to be different. They’re designed to be practical, to be taken to the table, and to enhance your game sessions in a tangible way.

We want our books to be dog-eared, full of notes, and well-worn from being part of your adventures. They’re not just for display—they’re meant to be used, to be engaged with, and to become a living part of your roleplaying experience. Our priority is to create content that’s not just beautiful but functional, helping you get the most out of every game session. Because in the end, roleplaying is about playing, not just collecting.

Designed for Use, Not for Awards

Awards are nice, sure, but they’re not why we do what we do. Our focus is on making content that’s practical, usable, and above all, fun. We’re not here to impress critics or to chase accolades—we’re here to provide you with tools that make your roleplaying experience deeper, more engaging, and ultimately more satisfying.

Our approach is grounded in the belief that the best games are the ones that players actually play, not the ones that win awards or get praised for their innovation. We design our products with you in mind, prioritizing usability and enjoyment over everything else. We want to give you the tools to tell amazing stories, to create unforgettable characters, and to build worlds that you and your friends will want to return to again and again. So while awards are nice, we’d much rather see our books well-loved and well-used in your games.

The Lightspress Handbook isn’t just another rulebook. This is a reimagining of what roleplaying can be, challenging the norms and redefining how we think about storytelling in games. Forget the flashy mechanics designed to impress; this book strips things down to what truly matters: playing your characters and crafting their stories. Whether you’re exploring the intricate landscapes of traditional fantasy, venturing into the unknown in space opera, uncovering secrets in a gritty crime drama, or getting lost in the cozy charm of cottagecore fantasy, The Lightspress Handbook offers a universal, adaptable approach that fits almost any genre. It’s especially designed for those who are eager to dive into genres left in the shadows, like dark academia and magical realism.