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Roleplaying Game You'd Like to See on TV (#RPGaDay2024.10)

Today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt is "roleplaying game you'd like to see on TV." Let's get one thing straight: when we say "roleplaying game," we’re not talking about a book. We’re not even talking about a setting, really. We’re talking about the creative, collaborative experience that happens around the table—the characters, the stories, the unexpected twists, and the shared laughter (or tears, depending on how your last session went).

But since we’re discussing TV here, I assume the question is more about which setting would make for a compelling series. Because let’s be real: we already have streams and actual plays that show people playing games. They’re fun, they’re engaging, and they’ve brought a whole new audience to the hobby. But translating that into a traditional television format? That’s another beast entirely.

Why Ghostlight Would Shine on the Small Screen

If I had to pick, I’d put my chips on **Ghostlight**. And before you start googling, let me save you the trouble—yes, it’s a project that’s still in the works. But trust me, once it’s out, you’re going to want to see it brought to life on screen.

Imagine this: a dark academia setting where the theater kids run the show. And by "run the show," I mean they’re knee-deep in gothic soap opera-level drama while solving cozy mysteries on the side. It’s got all the makings of a series that would have you glued to your seat, whether you’re a fan of the genre or just someone who likes a good story with a twist.

You’d have the brooding main character with a mysterious past, the quirky sidekick who’s way too into the occult, and the rival who’s just too talented to ignore (but you kind of want to, because ugh, they’re just so smug about it). Throw in a few plot lines about cursed artifacts, ghostly apparitions in the old theater, and a secret society pulling the strings behind the scenes, and you’ve got something that could easily fill a few seasons.

But Seriously, Wait for It

Of course, all of this hinges on Ghostlight actually being released first. I know, I know—it’s one of those things where you’re excited but also trying to temper your expectations because you’ve been burned before. But let me assure you, this one’s going to be worth the wait.

There’s something about the combination of dark academia, theater kid energy, and gothic mystery that just feels like it’s begging to be explored in a series format. It’s got the kind of depth and richness (okay, let’s call it complexity and nuance) that would translate beautifully to the screen, especially if it’s handled with the same care and attention to detail that goes into a well-run roleplaying session.

And can we just talk about the aesthetic for a minute? The moody lighting, the old, creaky buildings, the meticulously crafted costumes that scream "I’m deep and mysterious, don’t talk to me unless you’re also deep and mysterious"—it’s all there, waiting to be turned into a visual feast. And yes, there will be plenty of candles. Probably too many candles, but that’s part of the charm, right?

The Takeaway

So, there you have it. The roleplaying game (or setting, if we’re being specific) that I’d love to see on TV is Ghostlight. But let’s not forget that what makes roleplaying games special isn’t just the setting—it’s the people around the table, the stories you create together, and the moments that make you want to come back week after week.

Until Ghostlight finally hits the shelves, we can keep dreaming about what it would look like on TV. And when it does come out, maybe we’ll get that series after all. In the meantime, keep roleplaying, keep creating, and remember that the best stories are the ones we tell together—whether they’re on the screen or not.