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Different Strokes, Different Folks

We understand that our vision might not align with everyone’s style of play, and that’s perfectly fine. We’re not here to say that your way is wrong or that our way is the only way; we’re simply exploring and embracing different possibilities that resonate with us. The roleplaying industry is vast and diverse, offering a wide array of games that cater to many tastes, and we respect that completely. There’s a place for every kind of game, every kind of story, and every kind of player in this hobby. But for those of us searching for something outside the mainstream, we’re creating the games that reflect our vision, our interests, and our approach to storytelling.

We’re passionate about creating experiences that might not be found in more traditional games, and we know that won’t appeal to everyone. But for those who are looking for something off the beaten path, something that challenges the usual norms, we hope you find a home in the games we’re building. We’re not just making games to fill a niche; we’re making the kinds of games we’ve always wanted to play, ones that reflect our values, creativity, and love for collaborative storytelling.

If our games resonate with you, then welcome aboard—we’re thrilled to have you with us. We hope you find joy, inspiration, and a sense of connection in the stories we create together. And if our style doesn’t quite match what you’re looking for, that’s okay too. There’s plenty of room in this hobby for all kinds of creativity and expression, and we’re glad that so many different voices are contributing to this vibrant community. We’re here to add our voice to the chorus, to build the kinds of games that speak to us, and to offer something a little different for those who are looking for a new way to experience roleplaying.

The Lightspress Handbook isn’t just another rulebook. This is a reimagining of what roleplaying can be, challenging the norms and redefining how we think about storytelling in games. Forget the flashy mechanics designed to impress; this book strips things down to what truly matters: playing your characters and crafting their stories. Whether you’re exploring the intricate landscapes of traditional fantasy, venturing into the unknown in space opera, uncovering secrets in a gritty crime drama, or getting lost in the cozy charm of cottagecore fantasy, The Lightspress Handbook offers a universal, adaptable approach that fits almost any genre. It’s especially designed for those who are eager to dive into genres left in the shadows, like dark academia and magical realism.